Sunday 10 March 2013

Medicines Admin records

Something I've been using to keep records of my hive inspections since my bees took residence last May is something called Mobile Forms by Device Magic.

I'm not one for paper records so I'd been researching a way of maintaining records using a mobile device such as a tablet and phone and the limited number of apps that were floating around were subscription based and either very basic or just not worthwhile using. Everyone seems to have different ideas on what needs to be recorded, if the form is not flexible or editable it would not be ideal for everyone.

I came across an article 'Online Inspection Record Keeping' by Phil Khorassandjian (Secretary Sheffield BKA) on the Sheffield Beekeepers' Association website that put me on to Device Magic.

Mobile Forms by Device uses a form on a mobile device such as a tablet of phone to collect data and then populate a spreadsheet with the answers to your Google Drive and email you the form to whatever email address you choose. Best of all it will work off line. If your device is not connected to the internet out in the field you simply save your results on your device and upload to the internet later.

I customised Phil's original form for my own use and rather than repeat all the details on how to use it the link to the original form and instructions is still available on the Sheffield BKAsite.

What I did this weekend was to design a form for staying within the Veterinary Medicines Legislation where we have to keep records of the purchase, use and disposal of any honeybee medicines.

The form 'Vetenary Medicines Admin record' records details such as:
  • Medicine name
  • Date Purchased
  • Barcode
  • Supplier
  • Quantity
  • Batch number
  • Use by date
  • Date of administration
  • Apiary
  • Hive Number
  • Total quantity used
  • Administrator Details
  • Date and route of disposal if not administered
I'm happy with the result and will start using it to record all purchased and administered medicines from now on.

If anyone is interested in using the form or to adapt it for their own use it is available to download here.

Just follow the same instructions on how to use and install as Phil details in his original article.

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