Sunday, 19 May 2013

A good day

Good inspection today, the first where the weather was warm and settled. I used very little smoke as the bees are so docile and are a pleasure to handle. The queen looks healthy and is laying well moving around the comb whilst I was watching, there were no queen cells, not a lot of drone brood and very few drones.

Plenty of stores of honey and pollen for the start of the year so things are looking good if the weather continues to be fine.

The only problem I have is that the bees are building comb on the bottom of the brood frames, I will need the help from another beekeeper to take them off and wire them into empty frames, I then propose to put them into a smaller brood chamber that is not so deep.

Quite a bit of mite about and the treatment is going to have to go on for a bit longer, the bees have only one frame full of uncapped honey in the super so I doubt it will cause a problem to treat for another couple of weeks.